Thats right, thats what it said.
Check it out here
That means 4 out of 10 people you know has it. Well, its an oldman disease or 'going to be old' man disease, so anyone still in puberty need not read further.
The thing is, this stuff don't get into our health radar scope until probably when you are in your fifthies (our fathers time) then fourthies (my generation), now the paper says thirties ( you who believe you are still 18)
Its a silent killer, meaning no warning sort of creeps up on you. Its the beginning of the rollercoaster ride going downhill, after this your heart has problem la... other spareparts also got problem la...
So if possible, try to get a health check la... I discovered i have hypertension, when i went to the doctor for a mild headache complain. Doc took my blood pressure, then she retake again for a second reading. oh-uh not a good sign. Thats how i know i am now part of the 40%.
Got to start popping pill daily, eat healthy and exercise ( which lazy fella like me cant seems to get off the couch).
Oh ya, once you have it.. you cant lose it... you can only control it. If you know how to lose it, congratulations for you have found the way to reverse the aging process.
Good Luck