Wednesday, May 2, 2007

SMART Project (2)

Few months back the opening of the SMART Tunnel was one of the hot topics amongst the politicians; looks like it's gonna be a success story so who can blame them for riding on it and gain some mileage?

So some told the newspaper it's going to open by April 7, and I even remember April 30 was mentioned too. Toll rates is another good thing to make some pages. 'Hey let's organize a Tunnel Run'!, Free Trial, and all that craps...

Today's May 2, 2007. The tunnel is yet to be opened (doesn't even look to me it'll be opening in the next 2 weeks). It looks the same to me as it was in February: the potholes on top of the tunnel project are still there; pools of water are still there after an earlier rain; the traffic lights are still as moody when they are needed most during peak hours.

Everyone seems to be extremely quiet these day! Everyone just conveniently forgets about what has been said earlier! Never mind, take your time I'd suggest. Judging from the 'standard' of the road surfaces on top of this multi-billion $$ project, a delay is just another day's job.

No need to rush-lah.




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