Friday, March 16, 2007

Heart Sick (4)

2nd Opinion

It was not that I didn’t trust my cardiologist or the surgeon in
Gleneagles, it was more of me wanting to hear a contradicting report (“…nah, not to worry you are ok, no surgery needed, just pop this pill once a day and you are good!”); yes I know it sounds silly but I can’t describe how desperate, fearful, worried I was… I have gone through all the needles and syringes, x-rays and scans (even lung cancer marker and TB tests due to my bad coughing), tubes and all those cold-as-ice stainless steel equipment for the past week, and now I’m told it’s not all; I’m yet to go through the knife to get myself cut open and probably will die… It was just too much for me.

I felt awfully lousy, and weak. It could be psychological after all the gloomy thoughts of surgery, and medical bills; and also perhaps due to the effects of medications. Now I understand what it meant by “Health is Wealth”. I wouldn’t jump for joy even if someone had told me I won a RM1 million lottery. Just gimme back my heart!

Well I have to say it wasn’t all bad during my stay in Gleneagles; the doctors were good, nurses were caring and understanding. The nurses in the ICU even placed a TV with a VCD player in front of my bed (but only cartoons and comedies. “No World Cup recordings” I was told – yes the
2006 World Cup has just begun). Then I got a nice room after getting out of ICU, with a nice view of KLCC.

View from my room...

I didn’t know any doctor friends, so I didn’t know where to get a second opinion. Then I thought of the National Heart Institute (Institute Jantung Negara – IJN). Hey where else can beat a hospital filled with Heart Doctors? I told my cardiologist about it and she was so kind she referred me to a cardiologist in IJN and even made the appointment for me. I was discharged from Gleneagles after my 11-day stay, and had to wait for about 5 days before my first appointment with IJN. I was warned against going to work, drive, rock concerts, mountain climbing, F1 racing, etc. during may stay at home prior surgery. More medications.

Kept my fingers crossed while waited for the 2nd opinion…




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