Saturday, February 3, 2007


Many years ago my haircut was done by this barber who came to my neighborhood on a bicycle, and he would setup a wooden stool on his bike and do his stuff with a mechanical haircutter, a pair of scissors and a comb and in no time everything was over; amid the ‘excitements’ created by his presence… mothers asking for discounts, shouthing of names looking for their children, but mostly crying children; just still don’t understand why most children cry when having a haircut.

Nowadays, my dog’s groomer comes in a car, loaded with all kinds of high tech looking equipment and, mind you, everything runs on electricity! The service even includes a full bubble bath. And my dog doesn’t cry!

Some of you may miss the good ‘ol days? No worries as you can go back in time in Hanoi, as I found this when I was there…

No, I'm not the barber in the picture.



Blogger Unknown said...

Yup..those were the days when a haircut was as easy as A,B an it's "You want style like Hongkong? or Japan or The Posh Look? and then it's what colour you want? Even a perm that used to be just a "Perm" is now, digital perm, soft perm, chemical perm, and all the nonsense...and the Haircuts...Student cut, stylist cut, master cut...all the cuts...

Hmmm...where did the ABC go???

February 4, 2007 at 3:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I rememeber when they starts to use the blade to shave behind your neck, and ask you to hold still.... man looking at the sharp blade will turn you into a statue with cold sweat.

February 7, 2007 at 12:19 PM  

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