Saturday, January 27, 2007

Heart Sick (1)

It was a perfect Sunday on May 28, 2006, and I felt perfectly well that morning and decided to take my bike for a morning ride at the nearby jogging track. However, after barely a few kilo metres later I felt breathless and very tired and thought it was probably due to late night TV, so I rested at the roadside.

But it didn’t get well enough even after 20 minutes of rest, so I decided to load my bike back onto the van and headed home. It felt like some gas trapped in my body and I felt this ‘fullness’ and it was uncomfortable. The doctor at the neighborhood clinic thought I was just having a gastric and I got myself some gastric pills… My conditions didn’t get better after 3 days so I went back to the same clinic but this time another doctor was holding the fort and he decided to give me some ‘better gastric pills’.

I couldn’t sleep at nights as I would cough whenever I was lying down, and that prompted my third visit to another doctor at a clinic near my office; this time I got myself some cough syrup. I returned to the clinic after 2 days trying to find out what was wrong as my stomach felt ‘full’ all the time and I could only sleep for brief moments by sitting next to my bed; I would start to cough as soon as I lied on my back! I felt terribly weak and lost my appetite… I was given some sleeping pills this time around!

About 14 days after my first visit to the clinic, I noticed my feet were swollen, and even my stomach was bloated to the point that I couldn’t buckle my pants… I could feel the chill at the back of my neck; I knew something was not right…

I went to a gastroenterologist and there were good news and bad news… Good news was there’s nothing wrong with my stomach, or kidneys, etc but only some water instead of gases that caused my bloated tummy; but this was also the bad news, as water doesn't just stay in the stomach like this and the doctor noticed from the x-ray that my heart was ‘slightly enlarged’… I was referred to a cardiologist immediately and within 15 minutes after the cardiologist checked on me I was lying in the Intensive Care Unit!

The ECG showed that I had a Heart Attack. My Ejection Fraction was below 30% and I was told my condition was ‘critical’…




Blogger Unknown said...

good to put your thoughts here.

January 27, 2007 at 8:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Welcome to the world of stress and more stress....and the age, I'm on the same ship...hahahhaah...but do take care, time to cut the salt, cut the kicap but "cut-down" on the BKT and char koey teow...not "CUT OUT" totally!!! so when shall we go eat Hokkien Mee????

February 4, 2007 at 3:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Btw, HS

Missed your laughs and my dad sends his regards. He asked me to tell you to take it easy. Time to rest that body of yours. It's telling a lot.

Eat right and eat smart...though the occasional indulgence is ok..

February 4, 2007 at 3:41 PM  

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