Sunday, April 8, 2007


What made her so happy despite a big bandage on her head?

Guess this young girl has the guts and an extraordinary strong will to move on to face whatever life has to throw at her!

Young Tricia is only 19, and has just been diagnosed as having suffered from aneurysm and just gone through a brain surgery to remove the growths. No, I don’t know her personally, but only got to know about it via Moonfish. I have this special feel for Tricia probably due to my own experience going through my harder times after the heart attack; I was terribly scared and confused and sad and worry and everything negative… but she’s so much younger but amazingly brave and buoyant…

I just can’t stop feeling proud of her.

Wish you a speedy recovery, Tricia.


Picture taken from here.


Blogger Moonfish said...

Thank you for spreading the word :)

April 10, 2007 at 2:05 PM  

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