Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How stupid can you be?

I can’t help but feeling some of our politicians really think that we are so bloody stupid and gullible that we’ll believe whatever bullshits that come out from their mouth! So much so they don’t even use their brains up there (or wherever it sits) before they talk.

There was this woman, recently reportedly denied owning a blog that insulted Prophet Muhammad and she has even lodged a police report denying the Internet domain belonged to her much earlier.

Yet, there is this fella, who got himself a job as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, quoted in the newspaper today -

“Dr Ahmad Zahid said the woman should take responsibility even if she had not been monitoring the content of the site. "She should monitor her own blog. People are visiting it and she cannot put the blame on somebody else,” he told reporters…”

What do I think? I think this Dr fella either –

a. Wasn’t aware the woman has already denied the domain does not belong to her; or

b. Does not know how Internet works; or

c. Does not know how a blog works; or

d. Does not know what he was talking about; or

e. Does not believe her police report; or

f. Misquoted by the media

Talking about the media, what was on the mind of the reporter who wrote this news? Didn’t he/she notice the obvious? And what happened to the editor who approved this article for print? No one dared to ask this Datuk-Dr-Minister-Whatever what rubbish he was spitting?

Lucky the comic section today was ok, so I consider my RM1.20 not totally wasted.

Happy New Year!


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